Monday, October 27, 2008

Johns Tatts

A few months ago John sent me this cute and funny picture on my cell phone. It made me smile. He has a tattoo of Tyler's name (he got that one like a week or two before Ty was even born). When Gen was born he added hers. Now he is trying to figure out a way to tie the two together and he is not sure what he is going to do for Isabella just yet. In the mean time I guess he was getting inspired?

Let me tell you if John Henry Lara gets a tattoo with my name on it, I will definitely post it on here ASAP. I tease him about getting it often and I do not think that will EVER happen. In all sincerity I think that getting your significant others name inscribed in you is usually not the way to go. Moreover, it can be a bit tacky. I think he thinks so too, and agrees that with his children it is different (obviously). I still love to give him a hard time about it from time to time. Hence the pic.

I have given this some thought however, (scary I know), and I tell him he is stuck with me forever at this point so what the hell!? I am forever going to be the mother of his kids no matter what happens, so he will never forget me even if he tried! I mean he can try, but if he goes running away from his crazy wife he is too much of a good Daddy to leave those kids. I tell him that if he punks out and dips we will still have kids to share, call to check on, and recitals and games to attend, all which will help his mind to never forget me, lol. Might as well seal the deal I say.

Besides, I know he can not look in his daughter's eyes and not see mine in there, so he is pretty much screwed at this point. John is a smart dude though, he will never leave; the hot, steamy, mind blowing sex is just that good. ;)

Honey, if you are reading this, I know my name sucks, but my initials will do. Put them wherever you want, no one has to see them. You are a betting man, and aren't you willing to bet you would earn yourself even better sex? Love ya!


Anonymous said...

I say do it! That is a pretty cute tattoo :)