Friday, October 10, 2008

My Body

I have lost a considerable amount of weight after Bella's birth, but not as much as I want to, or intend to. I say that because 5 years ago before the birth of Tyler I was at a more optimal weight for me. Then came two more births; Genesis just 13 months after Tyler (yeah wow is right, I didn't expect it either, and it sure did take a toll!) my weight then hit an all time high, and then came Isabella about 3 years after that. Now I weigh a bit more than I did when I first became pregnant with Tyler, but not as much as I did before Bella.

My body is a machine, and it worked to a maximum level. It endured an expanding belly, organs being compressed, compromised and moved around. My body created life, it nourished my unborn children, protected them, kept them safe, allowed them to grow. As if 9 long months of this wasn't enough it safely contracted these new born children out of my body during the ultimate test of labor. But, it wasn't done yet, a few stitches later it went on to produce nourishment for them after they were born and continued to take a beating that included pain and no sleep. I couldn't ask for a more polished machine.

No, I don't like what the scale says, neither am I ignorant enough to blame its short comings on the kids, not 100 percent. It is my lifestyle and other common denominators. Though I still would love to change some things, I have learned to love my body. I really do. I am comfortable in my own skin. I have many things to be thankful for in coming to this revelation. One of those things is John.

Angelina Jolie, could not have said it better when she was talking about her body in an interview with People magazine, she went on to say this about her body and Brad Pitt:

"I'm with a man who's evolved enough to look at my body and see it as more beautiful, because of the journey it has taken and what it has created," she says. "He genuinely sees it that way. So I genuinely feel even sexier."

Not that she has anything to worry about, but it doesn't matter how perfect you are, when you are a woman and you go through the miracle of creation your outlook changes completely on yourself and hopefully for the best!


Anonymous said...

a very beautiful post, and blog