Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting IT Done!

A couple of weeks ago I went over to Shayna and Ryan's. It was a Monday night so we had pizza and the boys watched football, and Howard Stern of course, then Shayna did my hair. Shayna's parents own high end salons in Cary called JF Gemelli. These salons are so nice, and these people can do some mad hair, her Mom Royce is amazing! (if you are local you should check them out, just click here).

Anyway, if you know me at all you know I have an ungodly amount of hair and it is long to boot. Not an easy task to accomplish in a home rather than the salon. We decided to do it at her place because it was just easier with our schedules and that we can all hang out anyway, but I think we learned our lesson.

We started in the kitchen, there were bottles of stuff everywhere. It looked like a mad scientist lab. Then there were a ton of foils in the sink too. We attempted to wash this long mane in the kitchen sink, proved to be difficult. For the final wash we moved to the bathroom. I sat on a bench on the edge of the tub and Shay got in the tub and washed it all out, she was soaked.

We couldn't stop laughing. She kept saying "this is so ghetto". That made me crack up, all I kept thinking was how funny we must look doing this. It took her hours. It was so much work for her this way. She didn't have all the plush conveniences she was used to and it was crazy. She was stressing out, so all I could hear was "Ryan, bring me a towel". "Ryan get me that chair." "Ryan I need another towel." "This is so ghetto." "Oh man I got dye on the counter." "Crap I messed up your skirt" "Wait Veronica I have to go switch mt shirt." "THIS IS SO GHETTO." Meanwhile, I can hear all sorts of raunchy things that one should never really hear in the background coming from Stern. So funny.

When she was done, she was exhausted. So it was time for a quick shot to celebrate! I wanted to help her clean up the mess that we had everywhere, but she was like NO WAY, I will do it in the morning. When we left she just passed out for the night.

Shayna, thanks for all of your trouble. It was fun in a way though, you have to admit. Sorry for being Rapunzel. Next time, we can do it the easy way. OK?

"This is so ghetto"........well yeah Shayna it is....just like a light show......."word"..........

(I love this blog, I get to say all sorts of things that I would other wise never get the opportunity to say, lol)


Anonymous said...

The funny thing is.....I can sooooo see this :) I bet it was fun!

Anonymous said...

thats one awesome blog! lol thanks for all the credentials...we def are going to go to the salon next time, unless i aquire an in-home shampoo bowl! thats so ghetto haha i love you guys as friends, sorry if i get quiet doing your hair but you know i have to focus rapunzel well i appreciate it and look forward to more blogs and changing your do next time! until then...:)