Thursday, October 16, 2008

Snips and Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails

I know babies don't come with a handbook, but someone needs to write one! In it there should be all sorts of crazy facts that expecting parents are to naive to even consider when they are in that complete bliss of awaiting their precious child. There should also be a section for Girls and one for Boys.

If you are anything like me, snakes and frogs, OK ESPECIALLY FROGS, are off limits. I don't like them and they don't like me, and that is just fine! That said, one would do anything for their children, and I have done just that. I have compromised myself, my life, everything in order to put them first and have them brought up the way I "think" would be healthy and happy for them. I hold myself completely responsible for a lot of things, and one of those is providing them a childhood they will cherish the rest of their lives. That is why there is currently a tadpole at home ( a HUGE one).

For the handbook-- If you are expecting a baby or planning on a family some day, there is a chance you will have a boy, and with that comes a lot of BUGS and ANIMALS. This summer we have housed, caterpillars, moths, ladybugs, meal worms, frogs, tadpoles, snails, beetles, lizards, and tripods, all courtesy of a very sweet and adventurous little boy and his spunky little sister. Be ready to welcome these lovely creatures into your porch, garage, and home if you really want to make your child gleam with happiness.

This morning was a morning that will be cherished for years to come. One that I can keep in my mind as one of those illustrations I blogged about a few days ago. You will be so proud to know that I consciously resisted the urge to get the camera.

Ty and Gen got to Mimi's house and on the way in they noticed some earth worms. These guys had to be the longest, fattest ones I have EVER seen. SO GROSS! They stop and look and ohhh and awww. Gen has her dear elephant "Lovey" in hand, and a huge blanket trailing behind her. Her tiny feet look so funny with her big Dora slippers on, her petite self so precious in her purple nightgown. Tyler is stooping over crazy over this worm, such fascination that he is stuttering over his words with excitement. Wow Mmmmooommm, look at ththththis. He is HUGE!! He looks like a snake. He is tripping over himself with his Cars fuzzy slippers looking so handsome with his football PJ . I have this huge bag on my shoulder and Bella in tow, three inch heels, and things falling everywhere. I started to say come on lets get in, but you know what? I stopped myself. I didn't do that. That small tiny observation made me step back and take it in.

I checked them out. I noticed how Tyler was loving towards his sister. "Look Gen, this one is hiding under the leaves." "Do you think we should get one?" I love to see how Genesis admires her brother, she was so proud of him for scoping these suckers out. "Tyler, how cool!" "They are too big Tyler!" "Tyler what are we going to do?"

The sun was shining, the leaves in the trees were yellow and scarce and most laid on the ground right beneath their tiny feet. It was really a gorgeous sight. Of course, they weren't done, but I eventually snapped out of it and told them that they were in PJ's after all, and that the blanket was getting germs, and that Bella needed a diaper change. After about another minute of plotting they came inside.

I had just enough time to put Bella down and they were off in the Adidas bag like crazy people. "Where are my Rainbows Mom?" Tyler yelled. "Tyler I got them" said Gen. They scurry about change the fuzzy slippers and into the Rainbows they went. Then off to the kitchen cabinets to grab Tupperware. (yeah Grandma loves this part). "OK Mom", Gen says. I am thinking "OK" what? "Mom, we are going to walk you out", Tyler responds. Yeah right, that's code for I am comfy in flip flops, the Tupperware is ready, and you are heading in the direction where those worms are so we are coming with you lady.

Today I bent over in slacks and heels and tried to scare the most disgusting thing ever in to my Grandmothers cherished Tupperware. Today I broke a nail on the sidewalk doing as such. Today I couldn't stop for coffee. Today I was late to work and my cell phone is broken so I couldn't even call in properly. (yes it is broken because Isabella has drooled in her favorite toy way too much ; that's another thing, nothing is off limits most of the times we parents give in to even stupid things, like letting her suck on the phone. Though I must say, she knows three words, Mama, Dada, and HELLO which she yells in to the phone, pretty priceless). Today I am sure that right beside that tadpole at home an earthworm will also be there.

Today I had an awesome morning. Today I admired my children. Today I hugged them tight. Today I watched there faces light up at something that was free! Today I watched their team work. Today I felt their love for each other. Today I saw them making memories and living a fun childhood right before my very eyes. I am thankful for today. Today I made an illustration. Today they made everything better.

I love you guys so much!! One question though, can we lay off the living things?!