I can't imagine all the things that went through these little ones minds with this ordeal. They are old enough to understand that something was happening, but still so young where they don't process the "how" and don't really get the implications of it all. They really amaze me though. I am sure it went a little something like this, their faces tell the entire story:
Genesis: OK, they tell me we are going to go see Mommy at the hospital. I already got a tour of that place and it sure was weird. Now I finally get to see Mommy and she shouldn't have a watermelon in her belly anymore because the doctor took the baby out. Tyler, I just dont know about this yet.......Tyler: Oh Gen, come on, how bad can it be? Lets go see Mommy already, I hope she feels good. I was really worried because it was going to hurt. .... there she is! Mommy, what are all those things on you? You look like a mess! Where is that baby everyone is talking about?
Genesis: Tyler, I still just don't know. This place is scary, and I am not sure I want a sister right now at all. Oh no Tyler, there she is!
Tyler: It's OK Gen, remember we were getting the birth announcement for the yard ready at Mimi's because she is finally here, there she is, lets touch her Gen! Come on, I will go with you!
Genesis: Tyler you are crazy, we got ready and all, but she looks funny and I just want my Mom to myself! I am supposed to be the baby.
Tyler: Genesis at least you got a sister, I really wanted a brother! Grandma, come on get that baby away from Mom already I want to check her out!!
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