So I won't keep you in suspense much longer. Bang #2 happened a couple after the accident. This one was worse than a silly car. This one involved my princess Genesis. She is an accident waiting to happen. She goes and goes and thinks she is pretty much invincible. I have decided this is a preview into the future with Gen, and I am scared!
This time the poor girl wasn't doing a thing wrong. She was having her bath and I was sitting on the toilet right by her getting ready to get her out. I was helping her out, she had one leg out of the tub and the other one still in the tub. Imagine she was basically straddling the edge of the garden tub. When she was making the movement to get the other leg over that one slipped and so she fell right on her you know what. OMG!! She is such a diva though so I knew she would cry--A LOT. I wrap her up in the towel and sit her on me on the toilet and I convince her that she has to be a big girl and stand up so that I can make sure she was OK. At this point I knew it hurt like holy hell but I wasn't thinking much was wrong. Finally when she stood up, looking so pitiful with tears in her huge brown eyes and wet tiny body, I couldn't believe it, she let out a big scream and with it came a gush of blood all over me and the towel and the floor.
First instinct was to pick her back up and rush to the hospital ,which I did and when I got to the garage I realized I was nursing Bella and we were at grandma's so she had no extra milk. It was freezing cold out and Gen was soaked, and a mess, I couldn't begin to put her in the car seat. I opted for the ambulance and called John and told him to get there ASAP. The paramedics were great, but dead wrong. They told me she thought she broke her hymen. NOT THE CASE!! We called the pediatrician while they were there and asked if they wanted us to take her to them or to the hospital, they said to them. We rushed over. Gen was bleeding still and the Dr. explained that she cut herself on the inner part of the labia. Because of where it was, he made some calls to specialist and decided it was better that she didn't get stitches and he taught us how to care for it and we were on our way.
She was in a diaper because of the bleeding, and it was still substantial, but somehow the little brave girl did get some sleep that night. The next morning was up there with one of the worse days of my life. Upon opening her diaper to change her, John about fell over, and he doesn't do that often. There was a huge mass of blood in it, and I mean HUGE and a lot of blood so back to the pediatrician we went. It continued this heavy the entire day. From there they sent us to UNC bc there are pediatric gynecologist and anesthesiologist there as well. They said they weren't sure what was going on bc the tear was tiny compared to what was coming out and it was entirely too much blood.
At UNC after hours, she went into surgery. She actually severed an artery in there which was causing the bleeding, they had to burn to prevent it from continuing. The pediatrician was right, it generally wouldn't have needed to be stitched but there was no way of him knowing about the artery at that point. What are the chances!! If it can happen, it will happen to Genesis I tell you. They did put some stitches in there while they were there. Seeing her put under tore the heart right out of my chest, especially when they wheel your baby off and you cant see her or what they are doing to her. Seeing her come out of it all drugg
ed up and scared wasn't much better.
We went through weeks her screaming bloody Mary anytime she had to use the bathroom, understandably so, but she is finally all better. Still to this day she doesn't let us wipe her too well so I am not sure if she is in pain or traumatized, or a bit of both. I am thinking let it ride a little longer and if that doesn't work, we will take her in again. I am just trying to avoid that at all costs for her sake. You can imagine.
Still after all that I see how lucky we are to have healthy children. Being at UNC opened my eyes to so many tragedies, we were probably one of the "lucky" parents there that day in spite of it all. I am so eternally grateful!
This time the poor girl wasn't doing a thing wrong. She was having her bath and I was sitting on the toilet right by her getting ready to get her out. I was helping her out, she had one leg out of the tub and the other one still in the tub. Imagine she was basically straddling the edge of the garden tub. When she was making the movement to get the other leg over that one slipped and so she fell right on her you know what. OMG!! She is such a diva though so I knew she would cry--A LOT. I wrap her up in the towel and sit her on me on the toilet and I convince her that she has to be a big girl and stand up so that I can make sure she was OK. At this point I knew it hurt like holy hell but I wasn't thinking much was wrong. Finally when she stood up, looking so pitiful with tears in her huge brown eyes and wet tiny body, I couldn't believe it, she let out a big scream and with it came a gush of blood all over me and the towel and the floor.
First instinct was to pick her back up and rush to the hospital ,which I did and when I got to the garage I realized I was nursing Bella and we were at grandma's so she had no extra milk. It was freezing cold out and Gen was soaked, and a mess, I couldn't begin to put her in the car seat. I opted for the ambulance and called John and told him to get there ASAP. The paramedics were great, but dead wrong. They told me she thought she broke her hymen. NOT THE CASE!! We called the pediatrician while they were there and asked if they wanted us to take her to them or to the hospital, they said to them. We rushed over. Gen was bleeding still and the Dr. explained that she cut herself on the inner part of the labia. Because of where it was, he made some calls to specialist and decided it was better that she didn't get stitches and he taught us how to care for it and we were on our way.
She was in a diaper because of the bleeding, and it was still substantial, but somehow the little brave girl did get some sleep that night. The next morning was up there with one of the worse days of my life. Upon opening her diaper to change her, John about fell over, and he doesn't do that often. There was a huge mass of blood in it, and I mean HUGE and a lot of blood so back to the pediatrician we went. It continued this heavy the entire day. From there they sent us to UNC bc there are pediatric gynecologist and anesthesiologist there as well. They said they weren't sure what was going on bc the tear was tiny compared to what was coming out and it was entirely too much blood.
At UNC after hours, she went into surgery. She actually severed an artery in there which was causing the bleeding, they had to burn to prevent it from continuing. The pediatrician was right, it generally wouldn't have needed to be stitched but there was no way of him knowing about the artery at that point. What are the chances!! If it can happen, it will happen to Genesis I tell you. They did put some stitches in there while they were there. Seeing her put under tore the heart right out of my chest, especially when they wheel your baby off and you cant see her or what they are doing to her. Seeing her come out of it all drugg
We went through weeks her screaming bloody Mary anytime she had to use the bathroom, understandably so, but she is finally all better. Still to this day she doesn't let us wipe her too well so I am not sure if she is in pain or traumatized, or a bit of both. I am thinking let it ride a little longer and if that doesn't work, we will take her in again. I am just trying to avoid that at all costs for her sake. You can imagine.
Still after all that I see how lucky we are to have healthy children. Being at UNC opened my eyes to so many tragedies, we were probably one of the "lucky" parents there that day in spite of it all. I am so eternally grateful!
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