Monday, July 2, 2007

BIG News....

I think it is about time I share some BIG news with everyone. If you haven't guessed by now, the Last Little Lara is currently in the oven. That is right, John and I are expecting a baby this December. I am pretty sure that all of the pertinent parties involved already know the news. However, if you are yet to have been told, please don't worry, I bet your announcement, much like the one to the left, is sitting right here by me waiting to be mailed. I still have 10 in this stack that I haven't sent out just yet. Please don't kill us. We have been non stop this year, and I am assuming it is quite safe to say that it isn't about to get any better any time soon, ha.

Still we are so excited and just can't wait. I know you have lots of questions, so in this post I will give you the run down. Usually I get the same questions when someone hears that we are pregnant so here it goes!

Q. When are you due? / How far along are you?
A. I am due December 7th, that makes me about 17 weeks and 2 days.

Q. Do you know what you are having?
A. Not quite. If you know me at all, you know I'm a control freak so I will find out soon, I think in about 3-4 weeks.

Q. How do you feel?
A. I had a rougher start than the last two, but really doing well for right now.

Q. Any Names yet?
A. We think so. The boy's name is pretty much done. I am entertaining other names, but I am pretty sure I know what we will use. Tyler picked it so I don't think it's negotiable really. This time I get to pick the boy name and John gets to pick the girl name. I am trying to steer him in the right direction here by giving him ideas, which I am sure he takes into account, but the last word is his. I don't worry too much, he has good taste.

Q. How are the kids taking it?
A. So well! They are really excited. I am surprised they get it. I am not sure up to what extent they get it, but they definately are aware. Genesis wants a girl and Tyler a boy, which is to be expected. Gen even asks to touch the baby almost every day. Then she pats my belly. It's one of the highlights of my day.

I think I just about covered it, if I am missing anything just let me know, I am happy to answer! Oh yeah, of course John is the father. Just Kidding!!!!!