Monday, July 23, 2007


Funny how one simple thing can take you so far back. Take you to places you haven't thought about in years that seem so far away. A mere scent took me to that place this morning.

It is my all time favorite perfume. The one my grandmother got me for my 15th birthday and the one I have worn for EVERY special occasion since then. The one I wear when I simply need a pick me up. It is Amerige by Givenchi, an old one at that, but a classic in it's own right. The one that smells perfect on my skin, the one guilty pleasure that helps enhance everything good in my life. The one perfume that lasts me so long as I pick the times I use it far too carefully.

I wore this perfume for my 15th birthday party (like a debutant ball in the Cuban community so it is a big one), for my prom, graduation, my wedding day, my 5 star dinner on my honey moon, our anniversaries, New Years eve parties, I even spritzed some on the way to deliver both of my babies, just for good luck. You get the idea. The smell reminds me of all things good, and there have really been some good things.

Today I wore some of this perfume. It is a brand new bottle, probably used once. It will last me another 3 years or longer. I looked at that bottle today when I put it back in the cabinet, and wondered all morning about how many more great times are ahead of me. If that bottle is in my hand, it is a good thing.

This morning was nothing special in particular, no great occasion to wear it to I am afraid, of course I wish there were. Instead I needed to be reminded about the good things. It is about 3:45 PM now and I can still smell it on my skin (see, good stuff isn't it) and when I stop to think about it, the smell can still make me smile. OK I admit it, I am a sap, makes me tear up too.

Maybe just maybe, this bottle will disappear faster than the others, I can make an effort to wear it more often, just to be reminded. No point in keeping things "bottled up", I have never been the type. Life is too short. Life is too precious. Life is good.
