Monday, July 30, 2007

The Must Have Pregnancy Drink

I have found the new must have pregnancy drink. This drink is totally multi-functional and I think I will have plenty more of these in the next 4 months! I haven't had one of these in years, and have been trying to be creative with drinks since I have been pregnant. I may have found just the one. Yum-O!

Can only have caffeine in moderation, and that gets consumed most mornings with coffee so there goes most sodas. Then there is my favorite Diet Pepsi. Can't have too much of that either because of that evil little thing called aspartame. What is a pregnant girl to do? It's not like we can grab a nice cold beer either.

Low and behold there is Stewart's Cream Soda! I hadn't had one of these in years, and now there are so many good reasons to down some! It's Caffeine free!! It's Aspartame free!! I can drink it out of the bottle, that really tricks your mind into believing it is something else. Wow, I mean, check out that gorgeous amber color, it even looks like a beer. Truth is, its even better than beer! Tastes absolutely delish! I have been having a sweet tooth for ice cream with this baby, and this satisfies that craving too. Sure there are 180 calories in one bottle, but hey no fat, and if I had my way with the pint of ice cream, it would be a whole lot more than 180 calories anyway!

So there you have it, the good all the way around drink, at least for now. The problem will be limiting its consumption to only one a day!!

Cheers, ~V