Monday, September 8, 2008

Off Center

All has been well in the Lara household past couple of weeks.
Some things have been "tricky" but all in all, I cant complain because we are all healthy and happy.

I need to return to Yoga so I can find my center a bit. I seem to be all out of sorts again. I need to find that happy place within myself or else nothing feels right. Seems like with kids, and basically living for them in a sense, it is more difficult to find that place and hang on to it. It has to be a conscious effort to make it work. It is almost like I just came crashing down really fast after a big drop on a roller coaster. Ahh, a roller coaster, I have felt like riding one lately, but that’s a whole other story.

I just cant finish what I start. Too many loose ends all over the place. Returned the library books but one is still at home, bought school pictures but I haven't passed them out, did the laundry and folded it, but haven't put it away, rented a movie but haven't seen it, on and on the list goes. Even with my posts on here, I have several started , but I just cant finish them. Still trying to wrap up the posts from Gen's spa day and her Birthday and pictures etc.

Here is a bit of a "Veronica's Life Recap" (crazy busy) :

  • My sister and her husband and my niece and nephew came to visit from Florida. It was so great to see them all. I didn’t realize how much I miss them until they were actually here. We had the best time catching up and getting to know each other. The kids are so sweet and the cousins played well together. Saturday night we went out and partied, about 9-10 of us and we had a blast.

  • Last week, we got rear ended. John got a bit of a black eye and Tyler got a little hurt on his head too but they were all OK thank goodness! It was so scary though to think my babies were all in the car. They were shaken up. Come to find out, the lady that hit us teaches at Ty and Gens preschool. Poor lady was so upset that there three kids were in the car etc. Just glad it is over, and glad it wasn’t MY fault, lol!!

  • Genesis seems to be battling some kind of stomach thing, with a bit of a low grade fever constantly. Except last Wednesday when it shot up to 103! My sweet little Gen, hate to see her down. On a good note though, she is going to school three days a week now and seems to be getting at least a little more acclimated.

  • Tyler tracked back into school this week, he is struggling to get back into a routine, but is genuinely excited to be back which is way cool. On his first day I even got him to wear his Sperry's (so cute) without to much of an ordeal (he just wants to wear his sneakers).

  • Isabella is still happy happy. Growing by the minute too. Oh, and I must say, she is still Daddy's girl, but I have earned some points!!

  • John and I are good too. Things at both of our jobs are really busy. We do have some things going on, we have had some challenges presented to us, but I am praying God sees us through. It is hard to ever see John down, he never is, that alone takes a huge toll. He is the family cheer leader, and he just isn't there right now. He is down but not defeated, so my job is to not let him go there. Tough feat. For all you married folks out there, I think you know where I am coming from. If one part of the boat is sinking, eventually the entire ship goes down, we CANT let that happen. :) At least John and I are anchored down well as a "unit" so to speak, so only good things can come from there if we can work together to keep it that way--and we can.

  • Yesterday was Emily's Birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU EM!!! Love ya!

That’s it for now, but hopefully more later.
Love, V


Rachel said...

It was great spending time with your family this weekend, thanks for allowing me to do it. But I'm so glad everything is going well for you all and I can't wait to see you all again. Kobie misses having play mates lol loooove you!