Your Power Color Is Lime Green |
![]() You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary. At Your Lowest: You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in. In Love: You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated. How You're Attractive: Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room. Your Eternal Question: "What else do I need in my life?" |
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
What's in a color anyway?
Posted by Veronica at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Must Have Pregnancy Drink
I have found the new must have pregnancy drink. This drink is totally multi-functional and I think I will have plenty more of these in the next 4 months! I haven't had one of these in years, and have been trying to be creative with drinks since I have been pregnant. I may have found just the one. Yum-O!
Can only have caffeine in moderation, and that gets consumed most mornings with coffee so there goes most sodas. Then there is my favorite Diet Pepsi. Can't have too much of that either because of that evil little thing called aspartame. What is a pregnant girl to do? It's not like we can grab a nice cold beer either.
Low and behold there is Stewart's Cream Soda! I hadn't had one of these in years, and now there are so many good reasons to down some! It's Caffeine free!! It's Aspartame free!! I can drink it out of the bottle, that really tricks your mind into believing it is something else. Wow, I mean, check out that gorgeous amber color, it even looks like a beer. Truth is, its even better than beer! Tastes absolutely delish! I have been having a sweet tooth for ice cream with this baby, and this satisfies that craving too. Sure there are 180 calories in one bottle, but hey no fat, and if I had my way with the pint of ice cream, it would be a whole lot more than 180 calories anyway!
So there you have it, the good all the way around drink, at least for now. The problem will be limiting its consumption to only one a day!!
Cheers, ~V
Posted by Veronica at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
My Quotes of the Day
Rita Rudner once said, "Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside."
I thought that one was too cute. Speaking of which, John got to feel the baby kick for the first time last night. That baby is getting stronger and stronger. Amazing that John can feel it when it is a only about a mere 6.4 inches long and not weighing even a pound! I can sure feel it though. I think this has been the most active baby yet, at least for how soon it is, later it may even out, but for now I would say this baby is wearing boxing gloves.
As for everything else, its a blah sort of day. I am not sure if I have allergies or if I am catching something but I am starting to feel sick with itchy eyes and runny nose. That's all I need. I just wish the week would end already so that I can try to get some sleep. I am pretty drained all the way around.....
Bye for now,
“Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.”
Posted by Veronica at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It's A Baby Girl! .......... We Think!
Yesterday was our long awaited appointment to go see our growing baby.
The ultra sound went well. Everything seems to be normal and growing to scale. Of course one still worries about these things, but there haven't been any indications that there is a need to.
While the doc did his thing John could see tiny feet and the baby moving in there. I couldn't see much of anything. I did see a head and spinal cord, that's about it.
After he was done he asked if we wanted to know the sex, of course we did. That baby was all curled up, like a tiny ball. He said that the baby just wasn't going to show us b/c he/she wasn't cooperating. Then he said, well, I am thinking it is a girl. He kept at it for a while and then he sounded more sure about his guess that it was indeed a baby girl. Though it isn't 100 percent, I am probably growing another diva in there right now.
I am dreading breaking the news to Tyler, but I am sure that he will get over it quickly. Genesis on the other hand is going to be so thrilled. I am sure she will show the new Princess all the ropes with complete efficiency.
Last night, I was able to unwind while watching the movie Because I Say So, It was about a mom and three daughters, I loved it. They have typical mom/daughter issues, but the love is so amazing, the relationship untouchable. I took it all in, I have an awesome bond with my daughter at her tiny age, I hope to keep that bond and make it stronger, shop til we drop, talk about boys and sex, and have plain girl fun. The fun and tears only girls can share with MY GIRLS. How special of a blessing.... I am thankful.
Thinking Pink,
(and praying for my Little Man and John, lol)
Posted by Veronica at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Lost in Random Thought
I got to reading my last post tonight and admittedly I still want to believe that life is good for the most part. Then I got to thinking, why the hell am I so angry then? Today someone actually said "your eyes look sad". Why? I didn't have an answer that I particularly wanted to share. Still I was enlightened by the fact that I wear my heart on my sleeve and am bad at doing otherwise I suppose. Funny thing is that, I thought I was having a good day, with the glow in full force. Seems that those that see me every day can see right through me, why is that I cant help that??
The bummer is that I think too much, my mind runs circles around me, like a roller coaster ride without a safety harness. On the bright side, something is working, I think I can actually list whats eating at me now. That brings me some peace because I can actually think of times where I couldn't even begin to figure it out.
I am a person of lists. I get through my life with lists. Grocery Lists, To Do Lists, Project Lists, Shopping Lists, Goal Lists, on and here is another list, for my own clarity.
What is making me so mad these days:
- The person I trusted and counted on the most (ever) is gone. Well I can't do much about that anymore, I can honestly say that I tried. The truth is the only person one can really count is God and them self. I don't mean like when you need a sitter, or a drink, or daily things, sure those are people one needs, but I am referring to the one and only person one can one really really trust and count on . That's a toughie, Bible says people will let you down, believe in only Him etc.....I never really bought that. Now, I am glad to have figured that out when I did.
- When you have known someone seemingly forever, and then one day you wake up and it feels like you don't know them at all. Granted people change, and on the same hand, somewhere in there they are the same, are they the same with you? Is it you that has changed? The heart can be that cloudy, but when you look with your mind, is it really? Deceptive.
- Too much has happened. I have changed. Yes I think I sure have. There is no more room for the extra stuff, the negative stuff that is eating me up on the inside. I used to say I give up,without knowing what the heck I meant. I think that now I am beginning to know. I mean I give up on some things. Simple as that. Tired of going in circles.
- Makes me mad that I have given up.
- People with no compassion for what they have right under their noses. That don't try to realize what they have to lose and don't know how to prioritize. They are so fricken lost themselves that they cant figure out what to do to save whatever it is that they do have. This one makes me particularly pissed off b/c it is something that I SO have to work at, and do it with much effort.
- Life just isn't fair 99 percent of the time. Shitty things happen to truly good people, I am yet to understand that.
- This war makes me so angry inside too, but that's a whole other issue.
- When I feel that I talk for nothing, it brings me to desperation. Silence is like murder.
- Sometimes people you consider your friends show you way to often they aren't really your friend at all.
- My job feels like a dead end, though I don't know what to do about that yet.
- Dead ends suck period, I am hitting some.
Unfortunately I am sure there is more, believe it or not it feels good to write these down. I can sleep now, maybe even get a prayer in. Please, I know there are some people that read this that really do love me. (SEE I AM NOT TOTALLY NUTS, I COMPLETELY KNOW THIS) Don't ask, this blog is to make me realize things and be accountable to myself, that is all I am doing. I am fine. Plus, I think that many of you can even relate to some things up there. Sucks to "write" them down and be so analytical about them, but for me it just works, and it was the intention of this blog to start with. Besides, if I had to write a list of all the "good" things it would be much longer than that one.
In summary, only God and my kids can bring me total joy. I am thankful for that joy that simply can't be taken away by anyone or anything.
Also, my doctors appointment was supposed to be Wednesday but it got bumped up, so it is tomorrow!! I am so excited about that. I get to see my peanut on the screen. I get to see what all the commotion I feel in there is all about. I am anxious to see how the baby is growing, hopefully I get to hear that it is all going well in there. It is so scary to not know. The fun part is we get to know if it is a he or a she :). Great stuff.
Off I go to think about good things, like this awesome baby growing inside of me. This miracle that can only come from above! Can't wait to fill you all in tomorrow.
Posted by Veronica at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Funny how one simple thing can take you so far back. Take you to places you haven't thought about in years that seem so far away. A mere scent took me to that place this morning.
It is my all time favorite perfume. The one my grandmother got me for my 15th birthday and the one I have worn for EVERY special occasion since then. The one I wear when I simply need a pick me up. It is Amerige by Givenchi, an old one at that, but a classic in it's own right. The one that smells perfect on my skin, the one guilty pleasure that helps enhance everything good in my life. The one perfume that lasts me so long as I pick the times I use it far too carefully.
I wore this perfume for my 15th birthday party (like a debutant ball in the Cuban community so it is a big one), for my prom, graduation, my wedding day, my 5 star dinner on my honey moon, our anniversaries, New Years eve parties, I even spritzed some on the way to deliver both of my babies, just for good luck. You get the idea. The smell reminds me of all things good, and there have really been some good things.
Today I wore some of this perfume. It is a brand new bottle, probably used once. It will last me another 3 years or longer. I looked at that bottle today when I put it back in the cabinet, and wondered all morning about how many more great times are ahead of me. If that bottle is in my hand, it is a good thing.
This morning was nothing special in particular, no great occasion to wear it to I am afraid, of course I wish there were. Instead I needed to be reminded about the good things. It is about 3:45 PM now and I can still smell it on my skin (see, good stuff isn't it) and when I stop to think about it, the smell can still make me smile. OK I admit it, I am a sap, makes me tear up too.
Maybe just maybe, this bottle will disappear faster than the others, I can make an effort to wear it more often, just to be reminded. No point in keeping things "bottled up", I have never been the type. Life is too short. Life is too precious. Life is good.
Posted by Veronica at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
BIG News....
I think it is about time I share some BIG news with everyone. If you haven't guessed by now, the Last Little Lara is currently in the oven. That is right, John and I are expecting a baby this December. I am pretty sure that all of the pertinent parties involved already know the news. However, if you are yet to have been told, please don't worry, I bet your announcement, much like the one to the left, is sitting right here by me waiting to be mailed. I still have 10 in this stack that I haven't sent out just yet. Please don't kill us. We have been non stop this year, and I am assuming it is quite safe to say that it isn't about to get any better any time soon, ha.
Still we are so excited and just can't wait. I know you have lots of questions, so in this post I will give you the run down. Usually I get the same questions when someone hears that we are pregnant so here it goes!
Q. When are you due? / How far along are you?
A. I am due December 7th, that makes me about 17 weeks and 2 days.
Q. Do you know what you are having?
A. Not quite. If you know me at all, you know I'm a control freak so I will find out soon, I think in about 3-4 weeks.
Q. How do you feel?
A. I had a rougher start than the last two, but really doing well for right now.
Q. Any Names yet?
A. We think so. The boy's name is pretty much done. I am entertaining other names, but I am pretty sure I know what we will use. Tyler picked it so I don't think it's negotiable really. This time I get to pick the boy name and John gets to pick the girl name. I am trying to steer him in the right direction here by giving him ideas, which I am sure he takes into account, but the last word is his. I don't worry too much, he has good taste.
Q. How are the kids taking it?
A. So well! They are really excited. I am surprised they get it. I am not sure up to what extent they get it, but they definately are aware. Genesis wants a girl and Tyler a boy, which is to be expected. Gen even asks to touch the baby almost every day. Then she pats my belly. It's one of the highlights of my day.
I think I just about covered it, if I am missing anything just let me know, I am happy to answer! Oh yeah, of course John is the father. Just Kidding!!!!!
Posted by Veronica at 3:47 PM 0 comments