Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Scary Day

Today is Isabella's appointment at the ENT for her little surgery. I am just so worried about her. I hate to be putting her through all of this. I am sure holding her down will be torture for her as well as me, and I am sure she will be in pain.

She looked so peaceful this morning, cuddling and sleeping so warm and tight, I couldn't help but think how she has no idea what is even coming her way this morning. Babies are so helpless in this way and it makes me wonder how people can hurt them when they count on you for every little thing.

Some sleep was definitely lost last night as I worried about her outcome today. It will be good to get this off my list though. One thing down. Then I have to pray that the biopsy comes back OK. Which it will! It has to! After this, there is about a week or so until she has to go back to get the x-ray of the hip. Catching up on sleep just isn't going to be one thing I can scratch off my to do list until my Gracie is perfectly healthy. I am just restless with the "what ifs" and "could be's".

Until then, thanks for the good thoughts, prayers and positive brain waves that are heading our way! I will update tomorrow. Wish us luck.

Love, V