Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bella Grace Update

Hey everyone,

Bella looked so much better this morning! Yesterday after the procedure she cried for a few hours straight. Finally at about 2:30 she feel asleep and rested well until about 5PM. Then at about 9 or so the crying started again. She was pretty irritable. I think the paci and her trying to eat is what was making her feel some pain. Luckily, she had a good nights rest. I held her tight all night!

I hated to leave her this morning, but honestly, she is a trooper. She was really looking happy and like nothing ever happened. I should hear by tomorrow what is was that they removed and if it was anything to worry about. The Dr. anticiapates that is nothing at all. We can't wait to hear for sure. I will definately let everyone know once I hear.

Thanks to all of you who called, texted and left all the great voice mails. Isabella Grace is a very lucky little girl to receive so much love from all over the place. THANKS!!!