Today is my husbands birthday! There he is up there, upset because I am tormenting him with my camera. Can you see him glaring at me there? That's OK, if I was turning 32 I would be grumpy too!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Happy 32nd Birthday!!
Posted by Veronica at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Weekend Review
This weekend sort of got way from me that's for sure. With moms surgery everything was a blur. The fact that John had clients all weekend didn't help the cause either.
Thankfully mom is OK. She is in so much pain I just hate to see her like that and there is nothing I can do. After nearly 5 hours of surgery and 4 surgeons, she is resting at home. Cant ask for much more at this point. I just pray that this takes care of the problem for good and that she has a 100% perfect recovery. I wish I could spend more time with her too but with the three kids I cant go over too much because I then become more of a burden to her since she cant really rest with them around. Thanks to everyone who cares so much and called and emailed and such, it really means so much. I love my mommy, hope she is up and running soon.
We did have a great dinner at Ray's on Friday night, and wow, I must say, my kids were SO WELL behaved. At a place like this, I am quite impressed and proud of them. The waitress mentioned that they had chicken fingers, but the kids wanted no part of it. 4 oz medium rare fillets it was. We have created little monsters huh. They put a smile on my face!
Have a great week everyone! Just two more days until John's birthday!! Old man!
Posted by Veronica at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Bella Grace Update
Hey everyone,
Bella looked so much better this morning! Yesterday after the procedure she cried for a few hours straight. Finally at about 2:30 she feel asleep and rested well until about 5PM. Then at about 9 or so the crying started again. She was pretty irritable. I think the paci and her trying to eat is what was making her feel some pain. Luckily, she had a good nights rest. I held her tight all night!
I hated to leave her this morning, but honestly, she is a trooper. She was really looking happy and like nothing ever happened. I should hear by tomorrow what is was that they removed and if it was anything to worry about. The Dr. anticiapates that is nothing at all. We can't wait to hear for sure. I will definately let everyone know once I hear.
Thanks to all of you who called, texted and left all the great voice mails. Isabella Grace is a very lucky little girl to receive so much love from all over the place. THANKS!!!
Posted by Veronica at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Scary Day
Today is Isabella's appointment at the ENT for her little surgery. I am just so worried about her. I hate to be putting her through all of this. I am sure holding her down will be torture for her as well as me, and I am sure she will be in pain.
She looked so peaceful this morning, cuddling and sleeping so warm and tight, I couldn't help but think how she has no idea what is even coming her way this morning. Babies are so helpless in this way and it makes me wonder how people can hurt them when they count on you for every little thing.
Some sleep was definitely lost last night as I worried about her outcome today. It will be good to get this off my list though. One thing down. Then I have to pray that the biopsy comes back OK. Which it will! It has to! After this, there is about a week or so until she has to go back to get the x-ray of the hip. Catching up on sleep just isn't going to be one thing I can scratch off my to do list until my Gracie is perfectly healthy. I am just restless with the "what ifs" and "could be's".
Until then, thanks for the good thoughts, prayers and positive brain waves that are heading our way! I will update tomorrow. Wish us luck.
Love, V
Posted by Veronica at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Johns Pre-Birthday Bash
This weekend we had a little get together for John's upcoming birthday. We did it a little early because my mom is going in for surgery the 25th and his birthday is the 30th so we had to celebrate early!
It was an awesome time! Here are some pics of the event. We met up at our place and hung out for several hours. Drank, ate, talked, and played Wii and then we went, hmmm, well we went out. As they say in Vegas, what happens here, stays here. It was really a great, great time.
Thanks to Ryan, Shayna, Ian, Vikki, Nathan, Emily, Dan, Artista, and Christian, for making it so great.
We missed Willie that night, and my best girl Emily and her hubby Jack because they have a brand new baby; but for sure can't wait to do this (or, well, something like this) again!
Love you babes, hope you had a great time!!
Posted by Veronica at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
This weekend John and I bought into all the hype and got a Nintendo Wii. In our 9 years of marriage this is the first gaming system we have bought. I wanted one from the start and John wasn't convinced. (he is old!) Finally, he gave in! We had been searching for one because they just aren't staying on the shelves, Saturday was John's lucky day.
So off we went to shop for the Wii. Extra controller, check. Batteries and battery charger, check, check. We also got some games, one for us, Zelda for John, Disney Princess for Gen, and Happy Feet for Ty. We pre ordered the Wii Fit game too, I cant wait to get that one! It comes with a mat which reads your weight etc. I don't have details, but it will help with cardio, and yoga exercises etc. It looks so interesting to me, we pre ordered Mario Kart as well.
The graphics on this thing aren't as advanced as my little brothers Xbox 360, but the technology is amazing and precise. The gadget is just plain fun! OK, and I am a bit embarrassed to admit, my arms are sore this morning. We played until 5am Sunday morning. What a great time. Had some drinks, and the game was off to a new level. The game we purchased to play together has like 25 carnival games on it. So, we threw rings, balls, shot at targets, etc..(I suppose that is why I am sore!)
The kids didn't play much, we just sort of introduced them to Wii on Sunday. Gen seems like she will be a natural, Ty will take a little more effort. With this system they have to be a little active to play which is good, but it is still a video game so I think we will limit this to just weekend play for them in short sessions.
It was an expensive treat and part of me still feels guilty for buying this, but you know what, I will just suck it up because I heart the Wii! Weeeeeeeeeee.......
I love you John,had so much fun!!!!
Posted by Veronica at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Standing in a Puddle
I have been trying to stay positive this week, but I have been less than successful. I think I am being spread quite thin and therefore just have a cloudy mind and I can't get much accomplished. I am being just mediocre these days. Mediocre mother, wife, housekeeper, employee, daughter, you name it, I am just not scoring any 10's. I can explain...
I cant get into the groove. I get home with the kids and they want to play but I have a million things to do. John has something almost every night so I am often on my own. I understand but it takes a toll. Last night the kids wanted to play out side, it was so pretty but they never did get a chance to. After dinner, they begged and I gave in, we went outside and at 8:00 PM my poor kids were catching snails (this is a past time of theirs, to collect bugs, yucky). Ty would get them, while Gen diligently held the flash light for him. The site was so cute I could cry, but also so heart wrenchingly pitiful that they couldn't do this thing at normal hours. I feel responsible and like I have failed them in some way. Sure, they got to play outside, in a very mediocre fashion. Yet, they took turns picking some flowers for me in their limited allotted time.
Tyler wants a play date with his best pal and damn if we don't even have a day available to do that. He is 4, yet his play date will have to be scheduled in our black berries and planner a friggen month later. He has a spring fling at school tomorrow, and with the best intentions I signed up to make something for his bake sale. At this point I have no idea how I will get anything made, short of staying up all night. I suppose it will be pre-made cookies I pop in the oven. What a cop out. Sure, the kids will not notice, but I know, and so will all the June Cleaver mommies. I am aware this sounds petty but I really feel awful that I am not really baking. Completely mediocre.
Genesis is the sensitive one. Seems like all I do with the kids is tell them to hurry. I am late in the mornings so I drop them off like a bat out of hell, though I always take the time to hug and say I love you, they want more than that. Especially Gen . So do I. This morning I had my regular work out....while running 15 minutes late, I make the first run into Mimi's house with all their bags and junk for the day. Next trip I take Isabella Grace in. Next run includes Tyler, and his snails. Next run Gen. Oh Genesis, Genesis. She wants to talk. Mommy you look pretty today she says, I snap back, thanks but come on I have to go. Mommy she says again, but I really like your make up ( I usually just sport earth tones but today I did have some springy like purple on my lids, no one will probably notice, but my Gen sure does) . Thanks I reply in a hurry. She is tangled in her little pink robe, her Care Bears blanket is stuck in the belt, takes me forever to pry her out. Finally we can go. Mommy, can you carry me? Of course. As I carry her in, she spills milk all over me. Great. I say crap, milk all over me, I run in to get it off. I am finally done, heading out the door, there she stands with those huge brown eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks. What did I do? I was hasty, took the rush out on them and my Gen takes the brunt of it all. I know my kids love me, but with her, I can FEEL it in my soul, and I hurt her feelings. I did because she thinks the milk was her fault. Now 20 minutes late because I have to say sorry and that it wasn't her fault, and how I was not mad at her. Are my words enough? Probably not. Mediocre.
I always complain that John doesn't talk to me enough. I mostly hate when I am doing what I call the nightly marathon. It includes letting them play for a bit, getting them ready for bed, feeding Bella, preparing the milk for the next day, along with all else for the next day, whew! I often do this alone, which is fine by me, I want to do it. I do it alone because he is usually working late, which I know he does for us, doing all this alone is not easy most times, it comes with the territory though I am well aware. Then he finally mosies on home, says hello to the kids, not much to me and I swear he hits the bed and he is out!! Meanwhile I am still running on adrenaline. Yet what do I do for him? Do I iron his clothes? Do I prepare his lunch? NO. Suppose we are both at fault, but my point is --- mediocre.
Now on to Bella. Poor thing. No tummy time. Not as many pictures of her as the others (though still a ton, I snap as much as I can), no Baby Einstein videos getting played for her. To top things off with all this stress, milk supply is getting low. Even with all my efforts. I mean I take up about 45 minutes of my day pumping at work and then she no longer needs a midnight feed, yet I still stay up, or wake up and pump that feed just to get enough milk stored for the week while she is at Mimi's. John did get me a supplement at Whole Foods though, lets see how it goes. I am still feeding her a lot myself too, but somehow, running on E. Mediocre.
At the end of most days though, when I feel like a failure, the kids usually find a way to leave me standing in a puddle of my own tears. They pick flowers, they tell me they love me, they hug me so tight. I couldn't sleep the other night (this is becoming a sad trend) so I was listening to my Ipod downstairs, down Ty crept and snuggled by me and said Mommy I know you want me in bed but can I just cuddle and listen with you. Gen will hold me and say, you are my sweetest prettiest mommy. It doesn't get any better than that. A child's love, now that is no where near mediocre. No matter how short I fall, they catch me, their love is what unconditional is all about.
Posted by Veronica at 11:46 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Home Sweet Home
This month will mark the 4th anniversary of our home! In such a short period of time so much has happened there. I really love my home and all that it stands for because.........
- Our Home represents our hard work; we worked hard to earn each and every one of the 2250 square feet in there.
- I love remembering when it was getting built and Tyler, not even 1 yet, would crawl around on the fresh carpet. I loved seeing the progress, Ty in tow, and Gen tucked away in my belly.
- I cherish the pics of us unpacking with Ty in boxes, under furniture, and my cute belly in my T-Shirt and shorts. Great, great times.
- I loved having my first daughter and bringing her to her very first home after the hospital stay.
- This home has housed 2 nurseries and a big boy room, and even a big girl/little girl room!
- I have gone through lessons learned, births, a miscarriage, heart ache, and even some pain in this home. Just being there made me feel better EVERY time.
- I love that my walls are my canvas. We redo, rework, repaint, and never tire of it.
- I adore that my fridge holds food as well as fine art. I cant explain the joy it brings me to look at my kids artwork and pics on the fridge. Yes, I was one of those people that thought I would never do that to my fridge! Just goes to show, never say never. Kids change everything and I love it.
- This house hosts rocking date nights I tell you. Getting a sitter isn't easy with two toddlers and a new baby, but John and I are lucky, we do more than make do! This weekend we decided on making a portion of the garage a sort of lounge, bachelor pad-esque, hang out spot. You know the kind of thing us wives would never allow in the actual house!! No worries, although it is in the garage, the area is in a quite small "corner".
- We got to bring our second daughter to her first home too a few months ago. Awesome. The yard birth announcement looks so perfect in front of our home.
- Nice family get together's have taken place here. The memories will last a life time.
- I love that our family room can be converted into a campground, a dungeon filled with forts, or even the ocean in mere seconds by the kids.
- I love the fact that we spent our savings on these awesome ceiling to floor custom built in shelves on two entire walls in the bonus room that we cant even appreciate because they are now filled with toys galore!
- I love how we got a king sized bed in our room that allows for awesome cuddle sessions with the entire Lara clan!!
- After much frustration I have come to terms with the fact that the kids bathroom looks like a model home bathroom and mine is still bare and boring after 4 years!
- It gets me that even though that bathroom isn't done, we are currently shopping for a wooden play set for outside. Lucky little kids!!
- I love what my house sounds like. screaming and cooing.......i love you's.......screams of "mommmmmyyyy", "dadddddyyyyy".......kid movies......noggin on full blast.......all genres of music........little feet running up and down the halls.....little butts sliding down the stairs(gees!)...pure madness you say, well, you are right. Me you ask, I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Most of all this home represents the future. I often think about Tyler staying out past his curfew, parking in front if the house with the lights off so we wouldn't see him pull in, slowly opening the door, quietly going up the steps thinking he is home free about now since I haven't come out of the room screaming, .............. until.........he reaches that top step that has always creaked since day 1, and his Dad hears it. I think John will say, go to bed we will talk in the morning. Ouch.
I look forward to more parties, get together's, painting, boo boos, laughter, and tears in this house. When the day comes to part with it and move on to what should be a so called better thing, I know it will be bitter sweet. I will never ever forget 208 Talley Ridge Drive, I love calling that my home!!
Posted by Veronica at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Beautiful Baby Girl

Congrats to my best girl and her hubby Jack on the arrival of their sweet baby girl.
Absolutely perfect in every way!
Welcome to the world sweet girl. You have great parents, be good to them.Can't wait for all the great times ahead.
Posted by Veronica at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Posted by Veronica at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Luke Spencer
Posted by Veronica at 4:54 PM 0 comments