Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eight Hours Later

Mimi's surgery was yesterday. It was rough and didn't go as planned but I believe that in the end it went well. It was supposed to last about 4 hours but it lasted closer to 8. They ended up having to remove her entire colon.

The tumor was cancer so he couldn't take any chances. The good news is that it does not appear to have spread. The lymph nodes in surrounding areas were taken as a precaution. The liver and stomach were clean. The surgeon removed it all and did reconstructive surgery while he was there to make a mock colon so that she doesn't have to have a stoma (bag) put in. The surgeon explains that there is a 50/50 chance that it will take. If it doesn't, he will put in a temporary bag for a few months while it heals and then go back in and try again. There is also a high risk of bacterial infection. I suppose we will have to take this one thing/day at a time.

Right now she is in ICU. They had hoped she would be out of there tonight but it is not going to happen. She is still on a ventilator. They tried to remove it but she became distressed so they had to intubate her again. It is all so scary. We are praying for a speedy and as smooth as possible recovery. I hope to be able to see her tomorrow, I miss her. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

On the kid front--Gen and Bella are much better as far as I can tell! Poor Tyler is now fighting a stomach virus. Seems to be viral per the docs and his CBC , but it is just some more icing on the cake. My little guy is having it pretty rough. I We just want our kids happy and healthy and fast!

Thanks to all of our wonderful family and friends who have checked in on us and helped us through these rough times. Couldnt do it without you all!!



Rachel said...

I'm so glad things are finally starting to look up. I'm still praying for Mimi's full recovery. I just know she'll pull through this. I miss her too. Give her a hug and kiss for me next time you see her, pleaseee! And I hope Tyler fights off his stomach virus soon. Those are never fun either.

Love you all. ♥ hugs and kisses!