Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayers Please

Everything has been a big old jumbled up mess! I don't know what the heck I am doing, much less where to start this blog! Let's see.......a recap............

Ty, Gen, and I woke up early and made a special Valentines Day breakfast to surprise Daddy! This was too cute and fun, and also marked the only good thing that happened that day.
Bella is terribly sick, this made day 4 on antibiotics and not much better, neither is Genesis. they had been averaging 103 fever all week. At about 3pm I am finally napping, (sleep has been non existent with sick kids), and John wakes me up in a panic telling me it was time to go. I am thinking, where the hell do you want to go? I beg him for 10 more minutes and he informed me that we had to go NOW. Isabella's fever was 106, and that was rectally. Mom rushes over and we are off! 12 hours later we were told how lucky we were that she didn't have feveral seizures, and what her results were. She has a pneumonia, respiratory infection, ear infection and raw throat. My poor baby. This ER trip was like ripping my heart right out of my body! They tried to draw blood but her tiny veins weren't cooperating, we held her down, and watched her fight, scream, and cry. Numerous times through out the night too, I am talking like 8 times too, not like 3. Her big grey eyes filled with tears looking up at me ever so helplessly as if asking, why are you letting them do this to me? All she had to eat all day was about half a piece of toast, she was tired, weak, and then to go through all that pain and fear. They had to get urine directly from her bladder with a catheter, that was so terrible too. I am an adult and I hate going through that, yet I had to sit there and watch my tiny baby endure that. Good thing though in the end I suppose, she really needed all those tests and especially that scan that caught the pneumonia. She even had to have a steroid treatment. It was a very scary experience for John and I and our hearts go out to all the suffering parents and children in the world. We know that at the end of the day, we are fortunate.

Gen is feeling pretty bad by this point, and now Ty was joining in. They both had a fever that we were able to control all week and Sunday wasn't any better. My family came for a visit which lifted their spirits though. I knew that I had to miss work on Monday because ALL three were sick and had to go to the doctor again and Isabella needed to follow up per the doctors orders. So, I stuck around the house all day so that I can be with the kids and John and then at about 8:30PM I went in to work to get somewhat caught up. Mondays are always hectic and I didn't want it more piled up than it would already be. I stayed until about 2:30ish in the morning.

We spent the day with the kids and then went to the Dr. in the afternoon. All three kids seem to be on the way to recovery which is great news though they weren't 100 percent yet. Tyler got a new antibiotic and we pray this one works. After the visit we decide to go get an early dinner. After dinner I grab my cell phone to fill in Mimi (my grandmother which is like my Mom and watches my kids for me) on what the doctors said on the way back home. Well, I had to make John turn the car around and drive me to her place because they had to call an ambulance for her out of nowhere. She had very sharp pains in her belly and was loosing blood when she went to the bathroom. I was able to make it there right with EMS and answer some important questions for her, and give her a kiss and tell her how much I loved her before they whisked her off. She was in so much pain she couldn't breathe, and she was so very cold to the touch. It was a scary night. They put her on morphine and did a series of tests. Her white blood cell count is through the roof, indicative of huge infection, and a scan revealed problems in her colon, but not enough to determine what. I didn't sleep at all that night. I stayed up until it was time to go to work in the morning.

I come to work like a zombie. Now I am a sick zombie though. I was getting some sort of sickness probably from the ER or the kids, or God knows what. My throat is killing me and my cough isn't much better. The kids are luckily seemingly better. Mimi was still in the hospital in excruciating pain. I didn't sleep the night before and now I cant eat either. (hmm this may not be a bad thing though ;) After work at 6pm I head to the hospital to see her. It was scary because she is in some type of quarantine and she looked really, really bad to me. Clammy, tubes everywhere, and in lots of pain. No progress on a diagnosis though. I get home at about 11 and finally eat something. I was really wishing I could just sleep. That proved to be difficult again, but I did manage about 4 hours.

Kids much better! Not me though, and now John is getting sick too, but the one that matters right now is Mimi. She is still over there suffering. I see her every day, she watches the kids, she cooks me dinner, does my laundry, she is my confidant, she gives me advice and takes care of us all-- I mean really, she is my angel in more than one way, always has been. I DO NOT know what I would do without her. And here I am at work feeling pretty helpless. She has an endoscopy today, basically where they put a camera down your throat to see what is going on in her stomach. That revealed some very small ulcers that the doctor is giving her meds for already but it didn't reveal the actual problem yet. She is still on good meds for pain, and has a colonoscopy on Friday. They say she isn't coming home anytime soon. Now I sit here wondering if I should go see her. I mean, I need to wear a mask or something bc of the germs I couldn't live with myself if I made her worse, but on the other hand I couldn't live with myself if something happened and I didn't see her tonight. So I guess I am off to see her right now. I hope to get home at least a bit earlier than yesterday. Truth is my kids and husband need me too and I miss them.

Meanwhile nothing on the job front for John yet. Right now all I have energy for is to pray that my kids get better, and especially Bella, that was quite the scare, and that Mimi can come out of this, whatever it is, and the sooner the better.

Mimi shared in Isabella's delivery with John and I. (yes I am that close to her) Though you cant see her in this photo, that is her holding Bella's hand minutes after she was born. If you were to see this picture up close you can see the intent that Bella is looking at her with. For me it is a beautiful picture. It captures a full circle moment for her as well as for me. Her hands tell a million stories. I treasure it always.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Hang in there. I like to grab a coffee then say to myself, "breathe. Breathe" then take each moment as it comes. I hope this rough patch smoothed out for you...

Rachel said...

I am so very sorry for everything that is happening, especially all at once. But your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that everyone gets healthy soon and you guys can be back to your normal happy (non-zombie) selves. I love you all. And again, I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Love you.

Mai said...

Hey Tata it's Maite. Girl, what is going on?! I'm going through stuff with my grandmother down here too. She's been in the hospital since last friday with some type of hernia in her stomach which they haven't decided whether or not they're going to operate on yet. They've got tubes in her too and they're running all sorts of tests. THis is crazy!

I'm sorry to hear about the kids. I hope they're all well on their way to being 100% by the end of the week.

The only advice I can give you, is to be strong in your faith. Prayer changes things. YOu will have a friend, down on her knees, praying for you all down here. Just stay strong during these trying times. And if you need to vent or feel weak, you've got a shoulder right here! I'm a text/phone call away. I'll be thinking bout ya! LOVE YOU ALL!

Tonya said...

I am thinking about you guys! When you go to the ER...which one do you go to?? Remember, I am a Nurse over in the Children's ER at Wakemed RALEIGH. I know it is further, but it is just children. If I am not working, call me anyway, I can let them know you are coming and get someone I know who is AWESOME to be your nurse and MD! Also, if anything like that happens and you don't want to take all the kids, call me, I don't mind going over and sitting with the kids!! 567-3032