Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wishing for Wows

My first WOW moment of 2009 just took place. WOWS come mainly from my kids. They WOW me all the time. Here we go..

Gen: Mama today Tyler screamed at me because I didn't color right in his coloring book, (eyes beginning to water), and I am just his baby sister! (very hurt look in her eyes)

Ty: No mama she is not a baby.

Me: Well you shouldn't scream at her for not coloring right because coloring is always right. And, she is and always will be your baby sister.

Gen: Really, I will?

Me: Yes, just like KiKi will always be my baby sister.

Gen: But then why is she as big as you?

Ty: Yeah Mama why?

Me: Well we all grow up, but that doesn't change the fact that she will always be my baby sister because she is younger.

Gen:But I will grow up and still be a baby? And still live in this house then?

Me: No Gen you will grow up and have your own house, and husband and maybe even kids, but you will still be his baby sis.

Gen: Good because I need to move from this house. (smiling and looking so relieved)

Me: Oh do you?

Gen: Yes because I don't like to always be doing what you all tell me to. (eyebrows crinkled)

Me: Is that right? (smiling big, trying to contain my chuckles, she was amazing me)

Gen: Yes Mama, I want to do whateveeeeeever I want one day when I grow up.

Me: OK but when you move away will you still love me?

Gen: Yes and I will call you eeeeeveryday, and even go see you (clapping her hands together while shrugging her shoulders)!

Me: Well good, but I will still tell you what to do.

Gen: Oh mommy (hugs me).

Ty: (with eyes full of tears) But, but then I never want to grow up, because I don't ever want to move without you and Dada.

Me: OK baby, you can stay as long as you would like to. Don't cry about that because don't forget that you can grow up and move away but you will still be my baby.

Ty: (grins) Oh OK Mama, and Nene will be my baby sister!!!

WOW!! OK, so my four year old wants to grow up and move ASAP so she doesn't have to abide by our rules. Are you freaking kidding me? She is already wishing this? No way! Holy crap I am scared as to what the teenage years will be with like with Miss Genesis. OK, scratch that, HOLY SHIT! Talk about WOW. Yet, I cant wait to see what will be, I am sure it will be WOW no matter what.

Then, can they be more different? My Tyler is scared to grow up. Timid, naive, so innocent. Tears at the thought that he too would have to move away. What a sweet boy he is, a sweet heart indeed. WOW, how I wish this would always hold true. Seemingly it will not. He will meet a girl that he will have to WOW one day, and then will he forget his foolish ways? WOW, I am scared to know, but that day too will come. Whatever that is, again another WOW.

My sweet Isabella, I cant wait to know where your WOWS will take us. Somewhere in between Ty and Gen would be pretty nice. What will come? WOW, I will get to know one more little tiny baby that develops into a real person right before my eyes, WOW. I will get to know her every move and detail all for myself, WOW.

Tonight I find myself wishing for WOWS. Whatever direction they may go, be it up or down. For if we are WOWING then we are living.....how awesome is that?

What makes you WOW?


Anonymous said...

That made me WOW! She is such a little diva!

Rachel said...

you are so gonna have your hands full with that little girl...with those good looks and attitude, whew....good luck ;) but WOW is for sure.