Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I often wonder if kids as young as mine know what love is? Sure they feel it when they feel taken care of and strong and secure in their environment, but do they know what it is? Lately I am recognizing that they are learning what love is and to love, I think it is programmed in us since they day we are born, it is up to us to see it, grasp it, use it, give it and cultivate. That natural, pure innocent love that children give, posses, receive, and bask in must be the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.


ME: Tyler and Genesis I love you so much more than you will ever, ever know.

TY: Mama, I love you from the earth to the sky, and then back to earth, through the bushes and in between the trees, and up and down all the rainbows in all of the skies. Forever.

ME: Wow Tyler, that is beautiful, that is how much I love you right back, times one million.

GEN: Mommy, I love you that much too. As much as Tyler just said. But, I love Bella that much too. Oh, and Tyler, and Daddy. Hmmmmm Mommy, you know what? I love everyone and everything in the whole world (arms stretched wide apart, her big brown eyes piercing right through me) that much. The world is a good place and I love it.

ME: Observing the peace and innocence in ultimate abundance, Speechless.


TY: Mommy, am I weak?

ME: Absolutely NOT. No way babes. You are strong, smart, kind, loving, loved, helpful and brave. That makes you the complete opposite of weak. (the entire time I am thinking, where did this come from? who called him that? where did he hear it?) I force myself not to question him, rather to do my part to guide him and equip him to make the right choices. (it is tough)

TY: Well, what do I tell people that don't know me if they call me weak?

ME: (yikes Veronica think fast...faster) Well Tyler, you tell them that they do not know what is in your heart so they do not know if you are weak or not, but for the record, there is no way that Tyler Jon Lara is weak.

TY: Will they believe me?

ME: Who cares baby? You have to find and know yourself and that is all that matters. Besides, where is God? Where is Jesus?

TY: He is in my heart where all my love is!

ME: Then, who can argue with that? Are you weak Tyler?

TY: Not at all Mommy, I am so strong.

ME: Tear up and sigh, whew, maybe, mission accomplished, at least for now.

What type of world would we live in today if we could just love with the innocence that is in a child's heart?