Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Congrats Rachel!

This is a picture of Rachel with her little sister Rebecca. Aren't they just too cute!? Rachel is a faithful blog reader and sweet friend who just finished her first year at NC State! I am so proud of you Rachel. Flew by didn't it? Now Rachel is back home and will be working here with me for the summer, she starts tomorrow, I am so excited! I am so happy she is back and just cant wait to have her around the office for a while. (Not to mention I am so happy to have her assistance!!) Rachel, I hope you are ready, Ryan already has a huge stack for ya! Way to go, and see you soon!

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Aww Veronica! Thank you so much! You are just too sweet! I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be helpful - don't hesitate to call me for anything lol you know I love keeping busy! Love you!!