Tuesday, November 20, 2007

So Much To Be Thankful For

Although I got a get out of jail free card this year to hosting any sort of holiday parties I am actually a little bummed that I am not hosting our usual Thanksgiving dinner at our place. John and I always host and it is my favorite time. My turkey is actually quite good if I do say so myself. A friend passed on a Wolfgang recipe, and it sure takes a lot of work and ingredients, but it is so well worth it. This year my grandma is hosting, so dry turkey it is......wellllll....its not terrible....but it isn't Wolfgang. I will miss my squash casserole too, but all in all, I just don't think I could have pulled it off at 9 months pregnant. It is still my favorite time of year and I am excited to be thankful for just so much. Truly overwhelming.

  • Tomorrow John and I will be married 9 years! I am thankful to have a great husband. Yeah, he cooks, cleans, changes diapers, and is easy to look at too. THANKFUL.
  • My kids are the greatest!! They are happy and healthy and oh just so cute I cant believe they are mine. Sometimes I can look at them and think it is all a dream and tear up. THANKFUL.
  • My pregnancy has been smooth, no complications as of yet, I am well aware that anything can happen, but so far, so good. THANKFUL.
  • My family is all here again for another holiday season. Everyone pretty much healthy. My grandparents are getting old, and they practically raised me. Every year I make sure to look at them across the table,for a good long while, and I pray God lets them sit there one more year, together, and here they are. THANKFUL.
  • Great friends. Those are few and far between, but there is a couple that I am so grateful to have met. THANKFUL.
  • I am THANKFUL that my kids are THANKFUL. I asked Tyler what he was thankful for and he had an entire list....but mommy and daddy were on it, what more can I ask for? Then again, so were dinosaur toys, and animal toys, etc..... lol........still so THANKFUL.
  • Today I get to leave work early to go to the spa, hello , ever so THANKFUL!!

Tyler has a little prayer he says at school before they eat, (which he so sweetly and innocently shares with us now as well) and I think it sums it up pretty well....

Thank you for the world so sweet,

Thank you for the food we eat.

Thank you for the birds that sing,

Thank you God for EVERYTHING.