I just can't believe that our little Isabella Grace is now 2 years old! She has got to be the happiest little thing ever. Bella brings endless volumes of smiles and joy to our lives. For her 2nd Birthday "she" chose a Mickey Mouse party. We had her grandparents and aunts and uncle, and cousin over and she had a ball! Bella loves balloons and there were plenty, all over the place, for her she had a huge birthday cake and I made Alton Brown's mac and cheese, (her favorite) and she loved it!
It is unimaginable that she has been a part of our lives for 2 whole years, it goes by so fast! I can still remember bringing her home, I was so anxious at how I was going to make her part of the inseparable Tyler and Genesis tag team. While it may have been rocky at first, everyone is just in love with the baby of the family, she is- and will always be- rotten! None of the Lara's would have it any other way of course.TY ON BELLA:
Since the moment he laid eyes on her Tyler has loved his baby sister. He could not wait to meet her at the hospital, he instantly smiled, and he held her tiny little hand. Tyler always wanted to help with the baby, he would tap her little butt when she was crying in her bassinet, he would put her paci back in her mouth, or run to get John or I when she woke up. Tyler is a great big brother. He always says "Mommy, if we have another baby it better be a boy, I just can't take care of another little sister". He has made it his role to take care of these girls, and that is what he does. When he talks to Bells he changes his voice and talks to her so gently. Tyler thinks Bella is so funny, and that she is!! She is always making these funny faces and she will do just about anything to get us to laugh, she loves the attention. Dinner time is a treat with Bella, she keeps us rolling in laughter, her big brother is always her supporter. "Look at Bella", "Look at Bella" he says! He adores his baby sister and she really adores him too! When I asked him what he would like to say to Bella on her birthday, he said: " Happy Birthday Bella, I promise to play "supermarket" with your new gifts, (which he has!!) I love you and you are funny!" GEN ON BELLA:
Gen has really grown up since Isabella has been born. In the beginning she was really jealous of Isabella. I remember Gen turning the TV volume up as far as she can get it to drown out Isabella when she was crying as a newborn! Funny now, not so much back then! The tables have now definitely turned, I think Isabella is quite fond of her sister and now she is the one jealous of Gen. If Gen gets near myself or John, Bella will get really mad and swat her off of us, or say "my spot", "my spot" until she moves away from us. Bella looks up to her big sister and Gen is happy to show her the way. Gen is quite the little mommy now. Gen helps Bella at the play ground, or anywhere in public and she is always looking out for her baby sister. She used to call her Bella Bellisima, she still says her baby sister is beautiful. I asked Genesis what she would like to say to Isabella for her birthday...here it goes....."Bella you are funny, and you are pretty, you have to be a little more quiet though, Happy Birthday, I love you!" (they both do think she is funny, and I would have to definitely agree).
John: Can you say smitten? I love the look in Johns eyes when he looks at Bells. He has a special place for all three kids, but a special bond with his baby doll. In part it is because John has been laid-off an entire year and has been her care-taker. Bella is Johns Snuggle Buddy, shopping partner, helper, and everything else you can imagine. They do it all together. We feel so blessed that he was able to spend this critical time of growth with our daughter. We can never get this year back, but it is OK, she was able to get so much out of it and that is irreplaceable.
Me: I will have to blog about this later some other time. For now I will just say, that Bella takes my breath away. Entirely. She is gorgeous, funny, sweet, and everything little girls are made of. It is bittersweet to see her turn two. Our "baby" is no longer a baby, she is growing up by the minute. I have to cherish every moment that I have and relish it. Isabella is such a sweet heart, she loves her brother and sister, her Daddy, and I am so lucky to have her love as well. It is unconditional. I cannot imagine our lives without her. She fits in seamlessly in the special spot that was always saved just for her. Sure, she knows how to work the baby thing to her benefit, and I say, kudos to her. That is OK with us. We love you baby girl, more that words can ever say!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Us on Bella, 2 Years Later
Posted by Veronica at 12:49 PM
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